Friday, March 20, 2009
Calm in the presence of God

Wanna know how I'm feeling now? Argh..I'm vexed.Like this.

Relax, you're not reading the wrong post. The best part's coming up. :)

I woke up in the disturbance of my alarm's ringing this morning. Hugging my bolster, I literally wriggled out of bed. I was really exhausted after two long days of crazy kayaking. It drained almost two days worth of energy away from me.

I went to the kitchen with my eyelids covering half of my vision. Sweeping my hands around the kitchen table, I grabbed my breakfast and proceeded onto the dining table. Oh..I don't remember what comes next...

blah blah and I went back to my bed. I reached for my bible and started doing my quiet time. Boy oh boy, the bible still is my most beloved book out there. I read a chapter, underlined a few inspiring verses and then went on praying. I said, "Lord, oh my..I'm so tired..I really need sleep. Yet I know when I sleep, no one can wake me up. Lord I pray that you'll be my heavenly alarm yeah? Wake me up in an hours' time and give me so much strength that I'll be able to do my homework!!" Dang! I fell asleep.


I woke up in a fluster some time after. Ah! What time is it? Guess what?? It's 12.30? One hour after I slept! God actually woke me up immediately after one hour! I was so bursting with energy, I jumped up from my bed. Instantly, I picked up all my books and went to do my homework.

God is really an amazing God. If you were to ask me if God is a personal God, I would answer, "Just as how your toothbrush adhering to every need your teeth, God is a personal God who knows every single bit about you."

And we can have peace in our God, the giver of calmness in the heart.

On 12:02 AM, yunian has let go and let God.